The Greeter of Cumberland Station

Saying thank you for consistent smiles is harder than it sounds.

Douglas Lee Miller
Transit Stories


I met Anthony today.

He stands by the newspaper racks at Cumberland station on the Blue Line in Chicago between the airport and the city.

He is there with a friendly, helpful smile nearly every day of the year. Like the folks standing by the entry to the church my parents took me to as a kid, he welcomes everyone to this public assembly. He hands out newspapers for change or just gives copies of the free readers out to folks who pass him by.

He knows the paper they take and has it ready for them as they head for the train. I don’t take a paper or read the free weekly.

But I’ve passed him by every weekday for nearly five years with little more than a nod for a hello. On cold days I can barely drag myself out to work in a heated office, he is there, standing in the frigid air with a smile. This is not glamorous work and I’m sure it is reflected in the pay.

I’ve not seen him miss more than a handful of days in all that time. Cold, hot or otherwise he has the dedication to show up, do a task, and be friendly.

That should be worth more than it is.

Of course he could be very bitter about his work or life. It was such a short conversation we had.

I told him I noticed he was there a lot.

“Monday through Friday,” he said with clear pride.

“I’m glad you are always friendly and vigilant and helpful and I just wanted to say thanks.”

He accepted with thanks and I asked him his name.

“Anthony.” He looked at me a bit sideways.

“I’m Doug.”

I shook his hand and said “Anyway, have a nice day.”

I left feeling a bit awkward.

Did I just do that for my benefit or his?

Why didn’t I stay longer and walk with him to the train to find out more about his history, perspective and circumstance?

Oh well. Our paths will likely cross again in this last of truly public spaces as we go about our daily transit.



Douglas Lee Miller
Transit Stories

Social Curator | Content Generator | New Media Educator.