Publisher Rocket Review: Do You Need it to Make KDP Low-Content Books?

The pros and cons of this Amazon keyword research tool.

Grace Moore
An Experiment in Income Streams


Photo by Andy Hermawan on Unsplash

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Welcome to the second post in my series where I review the various programs I have used during my KDP low-content book publishing journey. So far, I’ve reviewed Book Bolt, and today I am going to review Publisher Rocket

(If you aren’t sure what I’m talking about, you can check out my first post on creating KDP low-content books here, as well as my update post, here.)

I didn’t download Publisher Rocket specifically for creating low-content books, as I had already purchased it previously for another project. But I was glad to have it on hand and I have found it helpful and easy to use.

What is Publisher Rocket?

For those who don’t know, Publisher Rocket is a research tool specifically designed to help authors find the best Amazon keywords for their books. You put in your keyword and it will show you how competitive it is along with a bunch of other useful information.



Grace Moore
An Experiment in Income Streams

Learning to do this writer thing and sharing as I go. Poetry, CNF, mental health, and too many other interests. Support: