Gracias for the noise Gracia.

Arun Abraham
Analogies and Reasons
4 min readJun 12, 2013

Living in Gracia, sudden bursts of sounds around your apartment are not strange, be it music, groups of people or garbage trucks. Yesterday, I came across this band drumming and marching across the streets. I followed them to good old Plaza del Sol, where they stopped for a moment (in picture).

It was a group of young people and everyone just stood around watching and clapping hands to the music. It’s so taken for granted around here that although it was around midnight, no one seemed to care. This takes me back to India where only some approved groups are allowed to make such parades — mostly for religious festivals. I later come to know that this happens mostly in neighborhoods where the population is relatively younger. That said, it’s a great divide where people looking for calmer lives stay in other parts of the city. Win-win.


More recently there was a suddenly noise again as I walked out of my apartment and saw people dressed Devils holding crosses around Plaza Virreina.

I went closer to click a picture and suddenly the crosses lighted up and there was this loud screeching noise which to be honest, scared the shit out of me. And that was exactly when this second picture was taken. There was this medieval church in the background and it all looked fantastic. Later I realize that this is the Corridor, a Catalan tradition of which I’ve become a big fan of late.

Can’t wait for “fiestas de gracia“ in August. Although I’ve been to two of them, this will be my first one while actually living in Gracia. Watch this space.

Update 2014

So this was my 4th Fiesta de Gracia. I’ve moved away to El Born and partly regret the decision, although born is a fantastic place to live. Just that inertia and the fact that you know a lot of people after you’ve lived in a place. Yes, even the restaurant folks, beer sellers and even some bouncers. Anyways, Gracia always has been a special place for many reasons and I’ll keep going back to relive good old days. Here are some pictures from the 2014 FdG.

Correfoc Again: Finally managed to grab snap of the Correfoc. You are suppossed to be in the middle of the fire wielding devils like the guy with the bottle. If you’re hairy, the guy with the hoodie would be ideal.


Good old Plaza del Sol never stops to amuse. Pl del sol is the place around which I spent my first night in Barcelona and been a fascination ever since. Mostly because the life and diversity that you can observe and interact with there. I was sitting on a Terraza bar on a rainy day and this guy came along and did some sort of dance, seemingly to thank gods for the rain.


Street Decorations: This is what a typical street looks like during the Festes dee Gracia. Most streets have their own decorations which are collectively done by the community who lives there. They also have lunches/dinners. Gracia, as you might know, was an old village and the community is still pretty strong here.


T-shirts, Yay: Some streets also brand themselves with T-shirts like the one Verdi one below. Yes yes, 2012 one was on sale for a discount.


And a lot more to come.




Arun Abraham
Analogies and Reasons

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