10 Ideas Worth Sharing This Week

“Inaction saps the vigor of the mind.”

Josh Spector
For The Interested
Published in
6 min readJun 11, 2017


Each week I share 10 ideas with my newsletter subscribers. Following is this week’s newsletter — sign up here to get future issues.

“Inaction saps the vigor of the mind.” — Leonardo da Vinci

The Interested value time.

We know it’s a precious resource we can employ to accomplish amazing things.

But it can also be wasted. Can disappear into distractions, be stolen by insecurities, and taken for granted.

While we can’t stop it from ticking away, we can harness its power.

Because our time is as valuable as we make it.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…


“It’s time to stop waiting. Waiting for somebody to give you an opportunity. For the right moment. Waiting doesn’t get you closer to success. Starting does.”

It takes less than two minutes to read this post I wrote, but that’s enough to give you the nudge you need to stop waiting and go get that thing you want.

I share some simple thoughts about what it takes to start something including to recognize you can’t expect to get it…



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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