20 Reasons Why You Should Break The Rules

A two-minute read that might change your life.

Josh Spector
For The Interested
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2017


  1. Most people don’t question rules. But most successful people do.
  2. Every rule is designed to level the playing field or tilt it.
  3. Rules are created to protect the status quo — not to spur innovation.
  4. Rules are established by people in power and those people have a vested interest in staying in power.
  5. Rules are not static — they evolve. But that evolution is driven by rule breakers. (Who I profile each week.)
  6. Rules aren’t facts. They’re not laws. They’re theories.
  7. Rules are based on theories of what’s best and those theories are based on the available information at the time they’re created.
  8. We can and should create our own rules for ourselves.
  9. Rules are open to interpretation.
  10. To obey a rule is a choice. To disobey a rule is to choose to deal with the consequences of doing so.
  11. Rules are based on what’s known and can inhibit what’s possible.
  12. It’s more important to understand the purpose of a rule than it is to follow it.
  13. Rules are instructions — a guide to help you accomplish something. But they’re…



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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