40 One-Sentence Social Media Tips

What to post, how to post it, and why.

For The Interested
Published in
7 min readMay 29, 2020


I’ve shared thousands of social media tips over the past few years with clients, in articles, and — ironically — on social media.

But, you’re busy.

Since you probably don’t have hours to consume them all, I followed my own advice (see tip #20) and boiled the most valuable ones down for you to quickly consume.

Here are 40 one-sentence tips to help you get more out of your social media activity…

1. When you post an image, don’t use the caption to tell your audience what it is— use it to explain why it should matter to THEM.

2. Make the most of all three opportunities you have to attract engagement in every post: The image/video, the caption, and the comments.

3. Don’t “Like” posts you don’t actually like just to be nice because doing so will train the social platform algorithms to show you more posts you won’t like.

4. Growing your email list is way more valuable than growing your social following because an email list is algorithm-proof.

5. Social media itself isn’t a goal — it’s a tool you use to accomplish your actual goals.



For The Interested

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