43 Ways I’ve Learned To Make Life Easier

This post was 43 years in the making.

Josh Spector
For The Interested
Published in
8 min readMar 17, 2018


Today’s my 43rd birthday.

For the past several years I’ve marked each birthday with a post reflecting on things that matter to me and experiences I’ve had up to that point.

This year, I’d like to share a bunch of things I’ve learned to do to make my life just a little bit easier.

Some relate to work and some to fun, but they’ve all helped me and I hope some of them can help you too.

Here they are, in no particular order…

1. When scheduling a meeting with somebody, always be the first one to suggest the time or place — don’t just ask, “When’s good for you?”

It’s great to be accommodating, but rather than outsource the meeting time/place to when is most convenient for somebody else’s schedule, take a shot at first suggesting whenever is most convenient for your schedule.

Most times they’ll agree to whatever works best for you.

2. When you screw something up and have to apologize, be angrier about the screw-up than anybody else is.

When you mess up, people want to know you’re sorry, but they really want to know that you care.



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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