5 Quick Thoughts About Email

The value, missed opportunities, and future of our most used social platform.

Josh Spector
For The Interested
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2015


Since I send out a daily email featuring a new Person You Should Know, I spend a lot of time thinking about email communication.

Here are a few of those thoughts…


If you want to get control of your inbox, stop giving annoying people and companies your email address.


Email won’t die until something allows you to reach a higher percentage of people who have given you permission to reach them on a consistent basis.

Facebook’s social algorithms do not do that and neither does Twitter’s firehose approach to a news feed.

As long as email gives you the best chance of ensuring somebody sees what you send them, it will thrive.


As I briefly touched on in my thoughts about social media, we’re at a tipping point with regard to how many social platforms have viable audiences.

The average person (or company) can only manage so many and we’re heading into an era where people will have to choose which social platforms to use because it’s no longer realistic to have a presence “everywhere.”

A byproduct of this will be a splintering of the audience (similar to what cable TV did to network TV and what streaming is now doing to cable TV).

This splintered audience will raise the value/importance of any platforms that are universal — and email is one of those platforms.

Some people use Facebook, some use Twitter, some use Snapchat, and some will use whatever crazy thing is invented tomorrow. But most people won’t use all of those platforms.

Email is likely to remain the most universally used platform which will continue to make it valuable.


The biggest mistake people make in email marketing is to forget it’s a two-way medium.

The most successful email blasts I’ve sent were designed to be responded to, not just consumed.


Yes, email is broken.

But the real reason for that has nothing to do with the platform and everything to do with our communication skills.

Don’t shoot the messenger. Or in this case, the messenger platform.

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Josh Spector
For The Interested

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