5 Tactics I’ve Used To Get 25,000 Newsletter Subscribers

A behind-the-scenes look at how I attracted an audience.

For The Interested
Published in
6 min readApr 18, 2018


I’m not big on secrets.

Because the more secrets you keep from your audience, the less value you deliver to them.

I prefer to share exactly how I do what I do in the hopes it can help you.

With that in mind, here are the five tactics most responsible for attracting 25,000 subscribers to my For The Interested newsletter.

1. I produce a quality newsletter, release it with consistency, and design it for a specific audience.

It all starts here. This is also where most people fail.

While doing these things may seem obvious, most people don’t do them and then get frustrated when they don’t get the results they desire.

Here’s how I tackled these three cornerstones:

  • QUALITY: I put in the time each week (several hours) to ensure my For The Interested newsletter is as high quality as it can be.
  • CONSISTENCY: I’ve published a new issue every Sunday morning for 96 of the last 97 weeks — only skipping the week I got married. My subscribers can count on me delivering what I…



For The Interested

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