Five Things You Can Learn About The Creative Process From Rick Rubin

“Every step of the way people tried to talk me out of what I was doing next.”

Josh Spector
For The Interested


I’m obsessed with Rick Rubin.

The legendary music producer who’s worked with everybody from Run DMC, to Metallica, to Johnny Cash may have the most impressive resume of all time.

Seriously, look at these credits:

But what fascinates me most about Rubin is his ability to create great work with such a wide range of artists and styles.

His success and experience with all sorts of different artists suggests he may have unparalleled wisdom when it comes to the creative process.

So, I studied him to see what I could learn.

Here are five lessons you can learn from Rubin’s approach to creative work.

1. Acknowledge what’s in your control and what isn’t.

No matter how talented or experienced we may be, we can never fully control the act of creation or the magic that comes from it.

Rubin believes it’s important to recognize this and instead focus on elements we can control.

As he explains here:

“I spend time with the artist and see where they’re at.

I try to imagine what them at their best is, and then try to set up whatever situations we can…



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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