8 Ways To Maximize The Value You Get From Your Content

How to get what you deserve.


You deserve better.

You put in blood, sweat, and tears to create content, followed the advice of the “experts,” released it to the world, and got…well, not that much.

Unfortunately, this story is too common.

Maybe it’s because your creation isn’t good enough. But it’s just as likely there’s another reason your content has underperformed.

Most creators don’t maximize the value of their creations.

Most blog posts, videos, podcasts, and social media posts are underexploited and leave potential value on the table.

Here are a few ways to avoid doing that...

1. Create Evergreen Content

If you create content about topics that are only relevant today, then today’s the only opportunity you have to recoup value from them.

This drastically reduces the return on investment for your content.

By contrast, “evergreen”content will be just as relevant to your target audience a year from now (or five years from now) as it is today.

Evergreen content is exponentially more…



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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