Double Things That Triple Results

10 ways to grow your audience and become more productive.

For The Interested
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2020


What can you double that might generate triple the results?

The answer to that question is the key to exponential growth of your audience, business, or productivity.

That’s because the time, effort, and resources you put into your work do not all generate the same level of returns — the doubling of some will drive larger results than the doubling of others.

Figuring out exactly where to double down requires a bit of trial and error, but it starts with asking yourself this simple question about each thing you do:

“If I double my investment in X, how likely am I to triple my returns?”

The key here is to choose one thing to double at a time and a specific metric to track so you get a true understanding of your return on each hour or dollar invested in a project.

Here are a few examples of things you may wan to try doubling and how to measure the results of doing so…

How To Triple The Value You Get From Blogging

• If you double the number of blog posts you publish next month, does it triple the traffic you get?



For The Interested

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