Nobody Can Stop You From Getting Your Dream Job

You don’t need anybody’s permission.

For The Interested
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2017


You’ll get your dream job when you start doing your dream work.

Start today.

You don’t need somebody to hire you to do it.

You don’t need to apply to do it.

You don’t need somebody to recommend you for it.

You don’t need a “break.”

You don’t need to get paid for it.

You just need to start doing it.

Most people won’t do that.

That’s why most people will never get their dream job.

But you can.

Want to be a marketer? Market something.

Want to be a graphic designer? Design something.

Want to be a stockbroker? Give somebody stock tips.

Want to be an entrepreneur? Sell something.

Stop looking for reasons you can’t do the work of your dreams. Start looking for ways you can.

Nobody can stop you from doing it.

Volunteer. Work for free. Hustle.



For The Interested

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