Four Ways To Create Your Best Social Media Post Ever

How to post things your audience will value.

For The Interested
Published in
6 min readDec 29, 2017


You don’t need more content — you need more VALUABLE content.

Every business, creator, and cause these days tries to use social media to grow and activate their audience.

Unfortunately, most don’t get much from their efforts because they don’t know what to post.

They follow “best practices” which are not applicable to their specific goals, copy influencers without realizing those influencers grew audiences by being unique, and falsely assume the key to success is the frequency or timing of posts.

It’s not.

The key to social media success is to craft posts that provide value to your audience.

That’s easier said than done, so people fall back on posts that are too sales-y, too generic, or too “who cares?” to generate any meaningful results.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

There are simple frameworks you can use to create unique, relevant, and valuable posts for your target audience.

I know because I use these frameworks to help my clients create social posts and see them work across a wide…



For The Interested

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