image via Dmitry Ratushny

Get More Attention For Your Creations By Telling Your Three Stories

The secret to successful promotion.

For The Interested
Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2018


The secret to successful promotion is to tell your story.

Stories are powerful. Their unique combination of information and emotional hooks are the reason they’ve been around for thousands of years and are constantly passed on from generation to generation.

A well-told story makes people care, which is why your ability to tell stories is the key to attracting attention for your creations.

Different stories trigger different emotions, but when told well they all grab people’s attention, stick in their minds, and make an impact.

By comparison, raw information is often ignored or forgotten.

How many factoids do you remember or care about? How much basic information sticks with you?

Yet, when most creators promote their work they do so in social media posts, advertisements, and email blasts that equate to a simple information dump:

“Come to my show this week…”

“Watch my new video…”

“Join my email list…”



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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