How To Get Comfortable Promoting Your Creations

It only takes a simple mindset shift.

For The Interested
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2020


Promotion is a key component of the creative process.

Let me rephrase that: Promotion is a key component of a successful creative process.

And yet, most creators struggle with self-promotion and it holds them back.

You probably avoid it because you worry you’ll be perceived as selfish, obnoxious, or pretentious.

But here’s a question that can change your perspective.

Do you believe your creation provides value to people?

This question is the key to overcoming your hesitancy to promote your work because it unlocks a mindset that makes promotion much easier.

If you don’t believe your creation provides value to people, there are two potential reasons why:

  1. You’re too insecure to recognize the value you create.
  2. Your work doesn’t provide value to people and deep down you know it.

I can’t know which is true for you, but you need to figure it out and get comfortable with the truth of your answer.

If you can’t assess it yourself, ask some people in your target audience if they find your creation…



For The Interested

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