How To Get More Newsletter Subscribers

What I’ve learned from building a 25,000 subscriber newsletter.


It’s not easy to get someone to give you their email address.

The last thing most people want is more incoming emails in their life.

But with the right approach you can still build a large and engaged subscriber base.

Here are five keys to getting people to hit that subscribe button, based on my experience growing my For The Interested newsletter to 25,000 subscribers.

1. Promise (and deliver) value.

No one will subscribe to your newsletter as a favor to you — they need to know what’s in it for them.

Your newsletter’s description must express a clear value proposition to give people a reason to subscribe.

Asking people to subscribe to your newsletter solely to get a reminder about your future creations isn’t really providing value to them — it’s actually about providing value to you.

That’s why people rarely subscribe to those kind of newsletters.

Instead, make it clear that your newsletter delivers value.

When I invite people to subscribe to my For The Interested newsletter at the bottom of posts…



Josh Spector
For The Interested

I’ll help you produce, promote, and profit from your creations. Subscribe to my newsletter for free personalized recommendations: