How To Make Something People Will Buy

5 ways to create things people value.


There’s only one way to get people to buy something: Create value for them.

Here’s how to do that…

Value Is Transformation

A person at Point A wants to get to Point B, and your product is the bridge that gets them there.

If your offering takes people where they want to go — if it transforms them — then it’s valuable.

To figure out how to create value, answer these questions:

  1. Where is your target audience? (Point A)
  2. Where do they want to go? (Point B)
  3. What can you create to get them there? (The Bridge)

For example, let’s pretend you’re a guitar teacher.

Your target audience doesn’t know how to play guitar (Point A), but they want to become someone who plays guitar (Point B).

The guitar lessons you sell are the Bridge that gets them there and the value you offer is to transform someone from a non-player to a player.

The same formula can be applied to less obvious transformations as well.

Let’s say you write a newsletter about work-life balance.



Josh Spector
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