How To Make The Right Choices In Your Career

The four assets we need to capture the four values we want.

Josh Spector
For The Interested
Published in
5 min readMay 26, 2017


Careers are not defined by jobs.

Our career success is determined by our ability to develop assets and use them to acquire the value we seek.

Jobs are simply transactions — mechanisms through which we exchange our assets for that which we value.

When we see career development through this prism, we can reframe how we approach our career.

It’s no longer about landing a “great job” or working our way up through a company’s ranks.

If career success depends on an exchange of assets for value, then there are two keys to building our career:

  1. Our ability to develop assets.
  2. Our ability to exchange them for the right values.

With that in mind, here’s a breakdown of the four core assets we need to develop and the four types of value we should seek in exchange for them.

The Four Assets We Need To Develop

While we each emphasize these differently depending on our personal goals and interests, all four of the following assets play a key…



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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