How To Make Your To-Do List Less Overwhelming

Try an “Enough List.”

Josh Spector
For The Interested
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2021


To-Do Lists have a fatal flaw —they never end.

No matter how much you get done in a day, there’s always new stuff to do.

As productivity expert David Allen famously said, “You can do anything, but not everything.”

The infinite nature of your To-Do list makes it as likely to remind you of what you failed to do as it is what you did.

No wonder you feel overwhelmed when you look at it.

An Enough List can help.

How To Create An Enough List

An Enough List is essentially a mini-version of your To-Do list, but with a slightly different focus.

While a To-Do list includes EVERYTHING you need to do, an Enough List includes only the BARE MINIMUM tasks you need to do on a particular day to feel it was productive.

Your Enough List can live as a standalone document or be integrated as a section of your larger To-Do list.

Either way, it gives you something to guide your day that’s achievable, impactful, focused, and motivating as opposed to the unrealistic expectations and pressure that accompany a typical To-Do list.



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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