How To Simplify Your Day

Seven ways to feel less overwhelmed and get more done.

For The Interested
Published in
5 min readApr 17, 2019


There’s no magic bullet to eliminate all your stress, get everything done, and make every day great, but there is one thing that can help:


Following are seven things you can do to simplify your day, feel less overwhelmed, and get more done.

1. Segment Your Day

The best way to simplify anything is to break it into smaller segments.

Rather than treat each day as a 24-hour chunk of time, think of it as a collection of smaller chunks of time and approach each individually.

An easy way to do this is to use your meal and work schedule as natural segmentation points.

My day breaks into these seven segments:

1. Morning before I start work

2. Morning work until lunch time

3. Lunch

4. Afternoon work until the end of the work day

5. Dinner

6. After dinner until bedtime

7. Sleep

This may seem basic, but segmenting your day enables you to plan and assess each segment individually and prevents a whole day from going off…



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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