10 Simple Ways To Start The Thing You’ve Struggled To Start

How to stop waiting and start making.


It’s easy to say just do it.

Just start creating the things you want to create.

But creatives are complicated humans, and sometimes the easy answer isn’t quite enough to get you started starting.

If you’re having a hard time getting going, here are 10 ways to stop waiting and start making.

1. Accept The Fear

Starting is hard because of fear.

We imagine that in some future we’ll be able to start without it — that if we wait long enough the fear will magically go away or we’ll eventually be ready to face it.

The trick is to feel the fear and start anyway. Start while you’re afraid.

No matter what the fear is, you can proceed with it.

Can you try to get rid of the fear? Sure. If you want, you can spend time understanding your fear and using reason, logic and evidence to dissolve it.

Or, you can just start anyway.

If you want to understand your fear first, ask yourself if you know what you’re afraid of?



Beth Lapides
For The Interested

Author “So You Need To Decide” original audio book. Creatrix of UnCabaret (25 + years Comedy Central, Amazon) creativity coach at The Infinite Creator.