How To Use A “One-Action” Strategy To Activate Your Audience

How to get more by asking for less.

For The Interested
Published in
5 min readJul 16, 2017


Do you ask your audience to multitask? Probably.

Does it hurt your ability to get them to take action? Definitely.

If you’re building an audience for something the chances are you make lot of requests (or “offers,” to use a gentler term) to your existing and potential fans.

You ask them to consume your creations, share stuff on social media, subscribe to your newsletter, purchase your product, listen to your podcast, and whatever else will further your goals.

But in the midst of all that hustle, it’s easy to lose sight of a key point: Multitasking is a myth.

People don’t do take multiple actions at once. They operate one action at a time.

That’s why you’ll find more success — short and long term — if you focus on a single action you want your audience to take when they encounter your work.

How To Implement A One-Action Strategy

In any scenario in which people discover your work, only encourage them to take a single, specific action after doing so.

It’s fine to make multiple actions available for them to take (though it’s possible…



For The Interested

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