How To Write Something Useful To Others

Seven simple ways to create value through your writing.

For The Interested
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2019


If the goal of your writing is to create value for yourself or others, there’s one surefire way to do it:

Write something useful.

While snarky, controversial, revealing, or entertaining writing may get you attention, the only way to create true value is to write something that provides it to others.

And readers value what they can use.

Here are a seven simple ways to write something useful to others…

1. Use A “How To” Headline

Your headline is a promise that your writing needs to live up to.

This means if you frame your writing with a “How To…” headline, you almost force yourself to share useful information.

It’s a hack to ensure that you create content that will show readers how to actually do something and avoid the trap of just sharing your random perspective on the topic.

Not to get too meta, but I gave this post a “How To” headline because I want it to be useful to readers.



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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