My 20 Most Popular Articles of 2020

The audience growth, marketing, and writing tips that most resonated this year.

Josh Spector
For The Interested
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2020


Well, that was quite a year.

Chaos and pandemics aside, I managed to write at least an article a week this year, send out 52 issues of my For The Interested newsletter, launch and share 26 resources through This Is How I Do It, and even published The Secrets of Successful Creators.

I couldn’t have done it without the generous attention, support, and inspiration of my readers so THANK YOU for everything.

Here are the 20 most popular articles I wrote this year in reverse order for full dramatic countdown effect!

20. 40 One-Sentence Marketing Tips

“You don’t need a big budget, you need a big story.”

19. Five Ways To Identify Your Ideal Audience

“Your ideal audience aren’t the ONLY people who will consume or purchase what you make, they’re the ones MOST LIKELY to do so.”

18. The Four Actions I Took To Attract 72,000 Followers

“When you focus on a single platform you’re better able to connect with people there on a one-to-one basis and that’s ultimately how you grow your following as opposed to just broadcasting a bunch of stuff…



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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