My Most Productive Days Are A Result Of These Five Choices

A simple framework to get your most important work done.


Productivity is a direct result of choices.

So it’s no coincidence the days I get the most work done are the ones in which I make the following five choices…

1. I choose what to do first.

We can only do one thing at a time so the first big decision to make with our day is to identify the single most important piece of work to tackle and choose to do it at the start of the day.

By doing so, we ensure even if the rest of the day goes off the rails, we’ll have at least made progress on what matters most.

Deciding to focus on our most important work first also has another benefit: It forces us to prioritize our work and not just be reactive.

Our time is best spent on the work that generates the most value, not the work that happens to get thrown at us most recently or from the person whose voice is the loudest.

Try this:

Block out the first 30–60 minutes in your schedule every work day and don’t schedule any meetings, calls, or appointments in…



Josh Spector
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