Screw Your To-Do List. You Need A Done List.

Because actions matter more than intentions.

For The Interested
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2016


This post was not on my To Do List.

But it will be on my Done list when I hit publish — and that’s more important.

Our collective obsession with productivity hacks has led to an endless supply of tips about how to create and manage your To Do List, but they all miss a crucial point.

Your Done List is more important than your To Do List.

A Done List can take many forms, but it’s a place to track what you’ve accomplished in a given time frame. That could include tasks you complete, metrics you measure, or even ideas you generate.

It’s a way to visualize what you actually get done as opposed to just what you plan/hope/need/are told to do.

While there’s nothing inherently wrong with having a To Do List and it can be helpful, your Done List should be the focus of your attention.

Because your Done List holds the key to the productivity and success you seek.

Here’s why…

Done Lists inspire. To Do Lists overwhelm.



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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