The 5 Most Valuable Skills You Can Develop For Free

And how to do so.


The most valuable skills you can have in life and work are rarely taught in school, never show up on a resume, and are consistently overlooked and underappreciated.

But there’s some good news: It costs nothing to develop them and you have the opportunity to do so.

Here’s how…

1. The Ability To Pay Attention

The shorter the average attention span gets, the more valuable your ability to focus becomes.

It’s a huge competitive advantage to be able to pay attention to things for an extended period of time (and unfortunately what passes for an extended period of time these days may be as little as 10 minutes).

The ability to pay attention helps you learn, communicate, be productive, and see opportunities others miss, among countless other things.

Two ways to improve your ability to pay attention:

  1. Practice single tasking — read a book, watch a movie, or find some other thing to do for an extensive amount of time without allowing yourself to do anything else during that time. No side conversations. No checking your phone. Nothing but focus on that one thing.



Josh Spector
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