The Thing You Don’t Understand About Los Angeles

Unless you live here…

Josh Spector
For The Interested
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2016


If you don’t live in Los Angeles, you don’t understand Los Angeles. Because you don’t understand the people who live here.

This is a town of chasers.

People in pursuit of something. They leave homes, families, and friends behind to come here.

Sure, some people are from here, but most aren’t. Los Angeles is a destination — a place you come to, not a place you flee from.

It’s populated with people who don’t let their fears stop them from pursuing their dreams. Who don’t make excuses for why something can’t happen, but instead seek reasons why it will.

Optimists. People who take risks, push forward, and refuse to get stuck.

This doesn’t mean they always succeed. Most fail. Most don’t get what they came for.

But they try. And they don’t regret doing so.

You don’t understand Los Angeles because you don’t understand what it’s like to live surrounded by people like this.

Their spirit is contagious. Addictive. Inspiring. It feeds on itself and convinces you anything is possible.



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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