The Two Minutes It Takes To Read This Will Improve Your Writing Forever

Josh Spector
For The Interested
2 min readJul 22, 2016


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You’re busy, so I’ll keep this quick.

Following are the simplest tips I can give you to easily — and forever — improve the quality of your writing.

Delete the word “that.”

At least 90% of the times you use the word “that” can be removed from your writing and it will instantly make your sentence stronger.

Example: “You believe that I’m lying, but I’m not.” becomes “You believe I’m lying, but I’m not.”

Delete the words “I think.”

It adds nothing. Remove it to strengthen your point.

Example: “I think this is a good sentence.” becomes “This is a good sentence.”

Avoid words that end in “-ing.”

In most cases, the “-ing” softens your word and adds no value. Your writing will read better if you avoid it.

Example: “The experiences we’re seeking end up being underwhelming and even disappointing.” becomes “The experiences we seek often underwhelm and disappoint.”

Short sentences. Short…



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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