The Two Secrets To Creating Content People Love

Everybody wants something — even if they don’t realize it.

For The Interested
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2018


Everybody wants something.

To get somewhere, accomplish something, or become someone.

But to do that, they need to figure out how. That’s where your content comes in.

The first secret to creating content people love is to create content that drives transformation.

Everybody craves transformation.

(I’ve learned this first hand from the 25,000 people who ask me to send them transformative ideas every Sunday in my For The Interested newsletter.)

To best serve your audience, create content with a before and after scenario in mind.

Your audience is at Point A and wants to get to Point B, but doesn’t know how to do so. Your content is the bridge.

It’s the path that enables them to get what they want.

You’re reading this post because you want to know how to create content people love. The transformation is that when you finish reading it in a minute, you’ll know how to do that (hopefully!).



For The Interested

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