Want To Be More Productive? Make These Six Decisions.
How to approach your schedule, inbox, and more.
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To be more productive, we have to be more intentional.
The more we take ownership of our decisions, the more we get out of them.
With that in mind, here are six simple decisions we can make to become more productive in our life and work.
Decide what matters.
All things are not equally important. That’s why productivity is about priorities.
The first step to increased productivity is to decide what we care about — what’s most important, what do we value, and what impact do we want our effort to create?
The more clearly we understand what matters, the more efficiently we can achieve it.
Decide what you want to accomplish.
There’s a big difference between things we “do” and things we accomplish.
A focus on what we want to accomplish allows us to approach our work in an intentional way and ensure the items on our To-Do list align with our goals and ultimately result in a meaningful Done…