What I Learned From Sharing 1,000 Self-Improvement Ideas In 100 Weeks

Seven things happen when you stick with a project.

For The Interested
Published in
5 min readMay 11, 2018


This week marks the 100th edition of my For The Interested newsletter.

It’s not a goal I set out to achieve, but I’m proud of the accomplishment and thankful for the 19,000 subscribers (!) who joined me along the way.

Since each week’s newsletter includes 10 actionable ideas to help you improve your work, art, and life, that means I’ve shared 1,000 such ideas in this time as well (you can see them all archived here).

Doing so has taught me a lot about how to get better at things, but it’s also showed me what happens when you stick with a creative project for 100 weeks.

Here’s what I discovered and I’m sure you will too…

1. It gets easier.

Here’s a universal truth: Creative work will never be easy, but it will always get easier the more you do it.

Too often people overrate the difficulty of creative projects because they give up on them so quickly they never reap the benefits of prolonged experience.



For The Interested

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