What I Learned From Writing Down 510 Great Things That Happened To Me In A Month

How a Great List can improve your life in 10 minutes a day.

Josh Spector
For The Interested
Published in
8 min readFeb 1, 2018


Let’s start with what this post isn’t about.

It’s not about meditation, a gratitude journal, or how a morning routine will change your life.

It’s about how paying attention to your life enables you to to bend it toward that which makes you happy.

My Great List didn’t start with a master plan, it started with a random late night moment.

How It Began…

At around midnight on December 28, 2017, I sat in a quiet, dark house and half-watched an old King of Queens episode on TV.

For no apparent reason, I grabbed my phone and opened Workflowy, an app I use to track all sorts of list.

I pulled up a blank screen, stared at it for a second, and thought about all the things I’ve read about gratitude journals, “morning pages,” journaling, and the power of being grateful.

Then I decided none of them were for me.

But, perhaps inspired by a reflective mood as the year wound down, I wondered what might happen if I wrote down…



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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