What To Do When Your Career Doesn’t Match Your Interests

Seven concepts to help you find a new path.


A reader recently reached out to me for some advice.

After almost a decade working as a chef, he wanted something different in life and was sifting through his varied interests to figure out how to reinvent himself and his career.

He’s learning to code, deeply interested in Eastern philosophy, and has dabbled in music and art for years.

He’s considering launching a YouTube channel, but worries, “Who wants to listen to me?”

It all feels chaotic to him right now and he’s not sure how to find direction and move forward.

I’m sharing what I suggested to him in the hopes it can help you if you find yourself similarly lost or confused…

1. Don’t get bogged down looking for the “right” path to pursue.

There are infinite paths you can choose and you can be successful/happy with any of them.

Instead of looking for the “right” path, pick a path and figure out how to make it “right.”

Keep in mind whatever you pursue, you can always change directions again — and you probably will multiple times over the years.



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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