Why Every High School Should Teach A Social Media Class

Josh Spector
For The Interested
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2015


“Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” — Warren Buffet

It’s time to teach social media to high school students.

While some adults who don’t understand social media — ironically because they were never taught it —still dismiss it as a novelty or distraction, the reality is social media has become a force of incredible power, change, and business.

It’s changed our world and its importance is only growing.

So much so that I can’t think of anything more important to teach our next generation of leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, and working class citizens than how to create and interpret social media.

If the job of our education system is to prepare students to succeed in the “real world,” then teaching them social media skills should be a prerequisite.

While most teenagers already use social media, I doubt many understand the intricacies of how social media works.

Social media skills are more than the ability to frame selfies and share Snaps.

For example, how many teens understand the impact their social posts can have on themselves, others, and the future?



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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