Why You Should “Like” More Things

It means more than you realize.

Josh Spector
For The Interested


More than three million people “Liked” something on Facebook in the last minute.

Few considered the impact of their action.

Because while we obsess over getting Likes, we think little about what it means to give them.

That’s a shame because Likes are a more powerful tool than you realize.

Likes on Facebook and Instagram, Faves on Twitter, and of course Recommends on Medium can positively influence the world — or at least your tiny section of it.

Here are three reasons to use them more often…

A Like means more to its recipient than you realize.

Before I continue, take a few seconds to watch this great video from Lev Yilmaz.

Feel familiar?

You know it feels good to get a Like. But it often means more than just a momentary feeling of satisfaction.



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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