You Have To Be OK With Being OK To Become Great

This post isn’t going to be great.

Josh Spector
For The Interested
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2016


I’m a good writer. I’ve put in my 10,000 hours. I want everything I write to be great.

But that doesn’t mean this post will be. It probably won’t.

Because most things aren’t great — no matter how much experience or desire you have.

Greatness takes time. Patience. Magic.

It’s not formulaic. It’s unpredictable.

This post is going to be OK.

It may interest you. Make you think. See the world differently.

It may not change your life, but may be worth the minutes you invest in it.

It will be worth the time I invest in writing it.

It will be OK. And I’m OK with that.

You have to be OK with just being OK.

Most people aren’t. That’s why they quit. Or never start.

They don’t feel their work is great, so they abandon it.

They don’t think it moves others, so they bury it.

They refuse to settle for less than perfection, so they settle for nothing.



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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