6 Best Quotes from The Celestine Prophecy that will Change Your Perception of Life

Not a single action is meaningless in life.

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readAug 25, 2020


Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

We all read those books, which in either way reflect our inner-self.

And that’s why we have chosen genres that we study because we feel at home reading stuff of our interest.

But I believe everyone who reads books does not stick to one genre. As we are humans — the most complex and advance being ever walked on the earth — and we have swift changes of moods and colours. Unlike robots, with every swift of changes in our mood, we shift our likeness and dislike-ness in reading too.

I try to read a lot but given the busy schedule of going to college, attending household activities, spending time with my children and other family members and giving time to my friends make me stuck and distracted here and there with things, I have to admit it, sometimes useless.

But nothing is useless, Only we see it like this.

Yes, I am quite true in my claim after I found The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield and reading it changed my perception of life completely.

So, today I have compiled some beautiful and life-changing quotes from The Celestine Prophecy authored by James Redfield that will surely change your perceptions of life forever. After reading these metamorphic sayings, I believe it will revitalize you.

“Sudden, spontaneous eye contact is a sign that two people should talk.”

We all have experienced this. Didn’t we?

I bet we all have. Sometimes we come across a stranger and see him/her for the first time in a spontaneous moment, and we feel like a deep touch for the person in sight and wish to talk to him/her immediately.

While most of the time we hold ourselves back from interacting with the person (which has its own reasons) but I believe one should try to get to know the person who knows what he/she may hold for us and whatever good he/she contributes to our life, I believe — will be best as we learn either way.

When I got admission in my Master’s degree and went to the department, after a few days I just saw someone spontaneously and I felt that we are ancient friends or known to each other for a long time for good. Given the cultural barriers, I couldn’t muster up my courage to talk to her at the moment.

As the days went by, I finally talked to her in a welcome party that was given to us by our seniors and she was my senior.

After that, we talked and talked and grew a strong liking for each other and to admit it — we started loving each other.

Apart from personal relation, she helped me in my studies, gave me books, told me how to study and prepare and guided in many other ways of life — related to my career.

So, meeting her was a turning point in my life, and she turned my life. I am always indebted to her.

“I think nothing happens by coincidence… No one is here by accident… Everyone who crosses our path has a message for us. Otherwise, they would have taken another path, or left earlier or later. That these people are here means that they are here.”

As explained in the quote itself that life is not all about coincidences rather nothing happens but with a purpose in it. Every event that happens or person we meet doesn’t just cross our path but brings us things that we are lacking in life or teaches us a valuable lesson which brings us more insight into life.

With every step taken toward the future, we need more experiences and knowledge for the realization of this mysterious world. That is why these incidences happen when the need arises and the reason for these incidences is to demystify certain phenomenons that contain ambiguity for us and let us enhance our realization and understanding of life.

“It says that whenever people cross our paths, there is always a message for us. Chance encounters do not exist. But how we respond to these encounters determines whether we’re able to receive the message. If we have a conversation with someone who crosses our path and we do not see a message pertaining to our current questions, it does not mean there was no message. It only means we missed it.”

We have to infer the message an incident carries for us. If we pay close attention to the events happening around us it suggests us the way to solve our current problems. It always contains a silver line for us to resolve our crises.

“The universe is energy, energy that responds to our expectations.”

But not all incidences are the same for everyone. We all possess energy, both negative and positive, and emit one unintentionally according to our thinking. As Rhonda Byrne explains in her book The Secret, about the law of attraction that the like attracts the like.

If we harbour positive energy, we will emit a positive one. Our thinking and expectations are energies and we give out these energies to the universe, mighty and impartial energy, and that energy responds us back with the same energy and direct us towards our expectations more forcefully.

“Loving and energizing others is the best thing we can do for ourselves.”

As universal energy works as a catalyst and encourages us to visualize our potentials in the fullest form, thus positive energy must be possessed, emitted and received.

Loving and energizing others is loving and energizing ourselves. As we emit positive energy in encouraging others, we ourselves get encouraged immensely.

“As we blossom or awaken, we notice there is a force in the world that seems to be operating and leading us into a certain destiny. And it’s very much a kind of detective effort on our own part to figure out what these things mean. The synchronicity is essentially a meaningful coincidence that brings us information at just the right time. While leading us forward, it also feels very inspiring and destined in away. It feels like we’re on a path of unfolding in our own personal evolution.”

As explained similarly as above, all these events lead to a self-awakening experience which further the cause of personal evolution and leads us to our destiny.

Our thinking, attitude, and attentiveness towards any happening in our life will have a great significance for us. Nothing just happens in a void or uselessly. Every moment, every incident, and occurrence has a hidden meaning and purpose for us. All those who cross our paths, whether intentionally or intentionally, have a message for us only if we will discover the reality. And if we do not pay close attention, we lose the purpose and the moment forever.

Therefore, accept life as it does not come as it is, but it happens to us by a purpose. It is the product of our thinking and attitude towards life. All these incidents of meeting someone new or something new is not in vain, but for gain. It leaves lasting impressions upon us, and we are not the same after a moment that happens.

