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10 Reasons Why I Love Beta Males

Gal Mux
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readNov 6, 2020


I am not the kind of girl that is attracted to the loudest most visible man in the room. Instead, I am drawn to that reserved, almost awkward blending in sitting silently in the crowd kind of guy.

I figure there is quite a diverse meaning of beta males. But mine is a man that does not consider himself or act as an alpha.

I find them more interesting. Like if you open a conversation with them there is more to dig up. More to get out of it. Their core purpose is not to impress but to open up. I have dated a few and here is what I personally learnt and love about them.

They are more egalitarian

As they do not truly subscribe to the ‘man is king' narrative they are more likely to want to be in a relationship of equals sharing roles and responsibilities equally.

They are more considerate

As they are more sensitive and in touch with their feelings, they tend to be more selfless and think about the needs and feelings of their significant other more than their own.

They are better listeners

Most of them tend to be more quiet and quiet people may be better listeners.

They are less likely to create a scene in an argument



Gal Mux
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Lover of all things reading, writing, farms & gardens, 🥭&🍍salsas, laughter, crypto, MJ & Beyoncé.