11 Tips To Create A Peaceful Self

Anirudh b
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readOct 30, 2020
Jared Rice from Unsplash

Everyone in today’s time is running after material things. They are not taking care of their health. It is happening everywhere around the world.

People are under so much stress today for various reasons. One of them is pandemic.

People are losing their job, financially weak, bad health. In this process, people forget about themselves. It is crucial to know that you are an equally essential person. You have to take care of your health as no one will come to your place to take care of your health.

It is crucial to understand your health is in your hands. People will applaud you for your results. They will not appreciate you gaining weight or having health disorders.

You will have to decide for yourself what is essential for you: your health or your stress. If you have decided on health, then you have made the right choice. Your health will make you handle any stress in your life.

Your health will improve from the time you are peaceful with yourself. You will have to de-clutter your mind from any stress or negativity around it. People are unhappy many times, looking at people. Comparing yourself with others is the biggest mistake for yourself. Comparison gives rise to jealousy, grudges, complaints.

Complaints make a person’s life miserable in every way. People have to love themselves more than others.

There are many to it. Some points are as follows:-

Early Morning Meditate:

Meditation is a powerful way to de-stress your mind. It helps a person to become calm & composed. Meditation has a positive effect on your thoughts & controls the mind. It is very crucial to meditate every day for sometime in the morning. Meditation helps a person to connect with almighty. Meditating makes a person energized, Happy & healthy. Some form of meditation is a must in today’s time.

Connect with Positive People: Every person has someone negative around them most of the time. People are there to pull you down in every way possible. They will not like you if you are progressing even a little. They will look for ways to make you fall. You have to stay away from those people. Look for like-minded people in your environment. who are there to lift you and live themselves up.

Have Gratitude: The more you have gratitude, the more you will grow as a better person. Keep saying good things to yourself and visualize them. If you are challenging a situation, then have the gratitude of how far you have come. Be greatful for whatever you have accomplished so far. Also, be happy & full of gratitude for accomplishing many more things to come.

Don’t compare: Comparison is the root cause of all suffering. People suffer when they compare with others. It is essential to understand that every person has his/her set of challenges. People have to know the difference and work on improving themselves. The more you can invest in yourself, the better it will be for your future.

Take Actions: Don’t take others’ decisions as the final one. Keep working on yourself. The more you invest in yourself, the higher the returns you will recieve. If you feel something is right for you, even people are against you. You have to go ahead and achieve it for others to see that you were right. People will not acknowledge the process of accomplishing things. But will appreciate you after you have completed it and proved them wrong.

Give time to your Family: Everyone is lucky to have a lovable family. Family is the backbone of any person. Every person can overcome any obstacle if the family is supporting you strongly. Spend time with everyone in your family. Go for outings together, play games, Read books together, etc.

Face your Fears: Everyone has some fears in life. But if the person can face his fears head-on, they can change it into his victory. It is crucial not to run away from your fears or worries. People have many kinds of fears about many things.

It becomes vital to have more courage in place of fear. Courage comes only by achieving something impossible. It is not easy, but it is not difficult as well. Any person accomplishing big in life has faced his fears with courage.

Work on passion: every person is passionate about something in life. Suppose a person can follow his or her dream work. That is when he will be able to grow as a person professionally & financially. Don’t settle for less if you are not satisfied with what you are doing. Keep working towards finding what you love.

Be compassionate: Once a person is compassionate towards himself & others. He can accept everything the way things are and work on improving them one by one. You can make a difference in other’s life by being compassionate towards them.

Exercise Regularly: People in today’s time are not fit & healthy. It becomes all the more crucial to take care of health. Any kind of exercise is essential for a high level of energy to do multitasking. An exercise you did for 15 to 20 mins every day can make a big difference in your outlook.

Be Unique You: Every person is different from another person. There is no need to copy someone or be like someone. It is crucial just to be yourself; you are unique the way you are. People will love you for who you are and not for copying others. It is crucial to become a better person today compared to yesterday and the best in the future.

These are some of the points which will help a person to create a peaceful person within. People have to keep coming to getting the basics right to get the results in the long-run. The world needs more compassion, courage, love & care for each other to make this world a better place. It starts with each one of us individually to make a difference.

