13 Steps

Lennie Varvarides
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readApr 25, 2021


Chosen for further distribution 🙏

Epic Poem

Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash

eye off elsewhere
— exchanged listening —
toy talk
waves off boats
mermaids kissing
drawing in sunsets
off treasure island
prince or pirate
genie out the bottle
giant with tricks
and broken heart,
beans in charge
of growing.

hands in the sand
water flowing freely
rolling off the arm
— off a cliff
down sleeve,
sticky again
…chewing the day up
charged the moment
— precious minerals
turned sad.

— -breaths in, on my turn,
dig finger in clay
wished childhood away
desperate to leave the room
— -teachers follow rules
that don't serve us all,
a ball of thought
pushed against a wall.



Lennie Varvarides
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

London-based dyslexic creative working in development. Founder of DYSPLA, founding editor @ The Museum of the Neurodivergent-Aesthetic.