2020 Lost to 2016 by 0.02°C

2020 is the second hottest year on record, just a little colder than 2016.

Harish Maddukuri
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Photo by Francesco Ungaro from Pexels

Finally, the northern hemisphere recorded, in the course of 2020, the fourth most limited snow cover in the period 1967–2020.

2020 was the second hottest year ever recorded on Earth: the official confirmation comes from the periodic analysis published by the US NOAA. 2020 ranks second just behind 2016 with global earth and ocean surface temperature of 0.98 ° C above average.

2020 turns out to be only 0.02 ° C cooler than the record year, 2016.

Image by NCEI NOAA

In confirmation of the ongoing global warming, NOAA confirms that the seven warmest years ever recorded on the planet have all occurred since 2014 while the 10 warmest years have all occurred since 2005.

The area characterized by the greatest warming was that of the Northern hemisphere which saw an average temperature of 1.28 ° C above the average of the twentieth century.

Finally, again according to NOAA, 2020 was the 44th consecutive year with terrestrial and ocean temperatures, therefore global, above the average of the twentieth century.

