3 Tips to Make Your Teaching Moments More Powerful

Lori Jackson
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readOct 6, 2021


Raywoo from Getty Images

The way others treat us, the environments we live in, and our choices influence us every day. We are learning from our situations and growing from our interactions. Whether we recognize it, we all can play a positive or negative role in those interactions. We are all teachers, and if we are intentional, our influence can have a powerful effect on how others learn and grow.

An influential teacher does not tell their students what to do. Instead, they help them understand their reasoning, teach reciprocal respect, and recognize the worth of each individual, all of which allows the choice for wisdom to flourish.

1. Reasoning the Why

Several weeks ago, an interaction between my grandson and daughter-in-law made an impression. We were sitting down to dinner when my grandson started putting his feet on the table, his plate to be specific. Of course, being a determined 23-month-old, he knew what he wanted to do. Yet, she gently took his feet off his plate and asked him to not put his feet on the table.

Immediately, he pushed his feet back up on the table, and this caught my attention. My daughter-in-law firmly explained, “This is where your food will go. We are all eating our food from the table. If. If your feet are on the table, it makes everything dirty. Do you see the…



Lori Jackson
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Tandem biker, lemon lover, and wisdom searcher. You can follow Lori’s writing by subscribing below.