3 Ways to Interpret Your Dreams and Receive Guidance About Your Life

Dreams are more than just movie reels that play while you’re sleeping.

Jenn Tomomitsu, PhD
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


graphic of man dreaming in clouds
By Sergey Nivens on Adobe Stock

For many years, I had a recurring dream involving a door lock. During particularly anxious periods of my life, I would continuously dream that some invisible force was breaking through a door that I was unable to lock. The lock was either too loose or didn’t work properly, or I was unable to secure it in time to stop the force from coming in.

As I became more self-reliant and less anxious over the years, those dreams began to change. Sometimes I would lock the door just in time, or other times, the door would lock and would then come loose.

What I realized is that this dream was a barometer for how secure I was feeling inside. It was like a direct reflection of my levels of anxiety and to what degree I trusted myself to get through my fears. And, more importantly, learning to read these dreams helped bring my attention to things I was ignoring.

Dream interpretation can be a powerful tool for uncovering unconscious patterns. They are more than just movie reels that play out surreal and unusual scenes while you’re sleeping. From a symbolic perspective, dreams act as mirrors, reflecting behaviors, emotions and unconscious patterns that may…



Jenn Tomomitsu, PhD
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Writer & Poet on mental health, life on the spectrum and healing from the inside out