4 Questions You Should Stop Asking Yourself

#1 What would you do if money wasn’t an issue?

Kevin Lee
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Photo by Cesira Alvarado on Unsplash

Maybe you’ve asked yourself a few of these questions before. As thought experiments, they can be pretty interesting.

But interesting isn’t always useful. Without answering how you can make things happen, it’s possible that these questions can become a misguided waste of time and a form of procrastination.

Perhaps, these questions help people put things into perspective. The issue I have is that the focus is often on the wrong things. Questions are only good if they lead to further examination and exploration.

So, let’s go through some of these and consider some better alternatives or follow ups.

“What would you do if money wasn’t an issue?”

This one is a classic but it’s a tremendous waste of time.

Money is either an issue or it isn’t. In either case, it’s a pretty redundant question.

Imagining that the problem doesn’t exist isn’t going to help you solve it.

The people asking this question are most likely worried about their finances. It’s probably their biggest issue.



Kevin Lee
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Fascinated by people and how they choose to live their lives. Writing to provide another perspective.