5 Things We Complain About That We Don’t Realize Are First-World Problems

The best problems are first-world ones

Adrienne Koziol
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unspash

Sometimes I think we must sound like the world’s Karen: salty, well-fed, and comfortable with an insatiable need to complain about something.

We know we have it good. We know we gripe over stupid stuff and can laugh at ourselves over it. But sometimes we fail to see how lucky we are. We complain about bigger things as if they’re actual problems that negatively impact our lives. In reality, they’re things that maybe we should be thankful for because either:

  • it actually does not impact our life at all, or
  • we’re well off enough that it’s the biggest problem we have.

While better than fussing because the charging cord is too short, these issues still have little impact overall or point to how good we have it. What are some of these stressors that you’ll find amongst the fortunate?

  1. Our Yards. Specifically dandelions. How much money do we spend to rid our yards of these flowers? All because of status. There’s no good reason. It’s free food growing in abundance, yet we kill it off with poison, time, and money. To add to the irony, we then go buy it in stores. Because it’s healthy and expensive.



Adrienne Koziol
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

If I felt more creative, I'd figure out a way to use up 160 words describing my life as a wife, mom, editor, and writer.