7 | Narrating Narratives

Conversations of a researcher with an Indian Village youth

Sneha Murali
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readSep 20, 2020


Photo by Neil Thomas on Unsplash

Ram. I discontinued Engineering. I finish my Diploma.

Me. um… So I understand you have finished diploma?

Ram. No, I start Engineering, so my highest study is Engineering discontinued.

Me. um…Can you explain to me how are they different?

Ram. see, I say, Diploma they will give me salesman job in the city, if I say engineering, they ll give me computer operator job. I know how do all government forms on computer.

Me. You like working with computers?

Ram. Like? my friend has a computer shop, I learn computer from him.

Me. What else do you enjoy doing?

Ram. I help people, in any way they can, but I know, I no help people, if I no earn money, so I want to go to Dubai, work, earn money & help people.

Me. What kind of help?
Ram. Any help, food, studies, marriage.

Me. whom do you help?

Ram. my friends have helped me even to eat food, So even I need to help them when they need.

Me. Why did you have to drop out of your study?

Ram. my father gave me no money.

Me. um…Did you try for government scholarship?

Ram. They pay college fees & books, where I get money for food, room, clothes?

Me. ah….

Ram. no problem, I work but no time for study.

Me. So what next in life?

Ram. Dubai, but corona, so no flights, or I will go to Dubai.Work.Earn money for giving people.

Me. What will you work as?

Ram. Office boy, anything they give, I work very well.

Me. I speak more Telugu, I need learn more English, then Dubai. and my friend give money for going Dubai, then I pay back.

I am a privileged city bought up 25yrs old girl & not very far from my life, lives another 25years old boy, from whom I have so much to learn. It is not the difficulties he faces, he sees how to give a better experience to someone else’s life.

(This conversation was in English. This is not a work of fiction. Names, characters, events and incidents are not products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely truthful. This story and characters are as real as they get.)



Sneha Murali
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

A sociologist at heart, designer by habit. everready for conversation. Optimistic survivor of Guillen Baree syndrome