8 Habits To Strengthen Your Brain

Tanveer Alam
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readJul 12, 2020
Photo by Katerina Jerabkova on Unsplash

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled”. — Plutarch

What we are and what we become is related to what actions we take and the actions we take emerge from our thoughts and therefore our thoughts must be healthy. Healthy and rational thoughts emerge from the brain when it is calm, energetic and well developed. Our mental health is as important as our physical health. For an efficient and active life both physical and mental health should go hand in hand. Therefore, I am going to share with you some habits that will help you not only strengthen and calm your mind but also develop it. If you incorporate these habits even few of them, you will able to observe their benefits and remark the changes that they brought about for good. Now, let’s roll to what those habits are –

  1. Waking Up Before Sunrise And Admiring It — This one looks really simple but it has quite strong effects in our mind. When we wake early, we see before ourselves the whole world getting started or it getting a reset. It instills in mind a feeling on newness and freshness. When you admire the sunrise, the quietness and visual treat you get keeps your mind tranquil and helps you learn the virtue of patience. This habit if developed gives you peace amidst the noises of the day and keeps you mind clear and peaceful.
  2. Remembering Your Dreams — This is one of the best habits which help in mind strengthening, memory strengthening and self development. Sometimes you dreams are the reflections of your desires and feelings. You thereby become more self aware and psychologically strong by confronting your feelings that your dreams had brought in. Remembering dreams enhances your imagination and creativity. We have also heard that many artists have had their ideas inspired from their dreams.
  3. Reading — You might have seen this one in many places. But believe me it deserves to be in every list. Reading develops in your mind ideas and feed it with information. When you make decisions even not so important ones they are backed up by the intelligence, logic and reason which you have acquired in the light of ideas, knowledge and information gathered by reading. Reading makes your mind well developed. Fiction reading improves your imaginations and creativity. Non-fiction helps you understand issues and gives you practical knowledge. Therefore, you must really develop a habit of reading for maybe half an hour everyday.
  4. Journaling — It helps you come in terms with yourself and this gives you peace of mind. You come to know more about yourself and become self aware. Journaling allows self talk and helps in mind development. Through journaling you can sort out your day and avoid confusion. It also helps you lose stress by writing out your heart. The release of stress is great comfort to your mind.
  5. Meditation — Meditation reduces stress, controls anxiety, promotes emotional health, enhances self-awareness, improves concentration and improves sleep. It makes mind clear, attentive, focused and improves the ability to think logically and clearly. You can start meditating for 2 minutes daily and then according to your own ability and convenience may increase the time later since keeping high hopes of meditating for longer duration in initial days can be hard.
  6. Adequate Sleep — Quality sleep can really be very constructive for your mind. It can reduce stress and improve your memory, concentration and productivity. You might have observed that the day after a sleepless night is such frustrating and infuriating. Lack of sleep affects your emotions and become a hindrance in your social interactions. Quality and adequate sleep helps you be active, cool and in high spirits. Also it keeps your mind stable and still. Therefore, it might be a good idea to figure out what duration of sleep works for you and then accordingly you may fix your sleeping hours.
  7. Less Sugar Consumption — An elevated glucose level in the bloodstream can be harmful to the brain. It may result in slowed cognitive function and harm memory and attention. Thus, a less sugar content diet throughout the day is beneficial for your brain.
  8. Physical Exercise — Exercise helps the brain in both direct and indirect ways. Exercise facilitates better sleep which in turn is crucial for your mental health. It stimulates chemical changes in the brain that enhance learning, mood and thinking. Exercise increases oxygen supply in the brain and helps in development of new nerve cells and strengthen the connections between the existing ones.

