9 Unusual Things That Cats Love

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readNov 15, 2020

Have you noticed that your cat can’t get enough of these??

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Since first becoming a cat owner six months ago, I’ve noticed a lot of unusual things my cat seems to love around my apartment. I’ve bought her countless toys and yet, she seems way more interested in playing with everyday household items instead of all her toys. I’ve compiled a list of nine unorthodox things my cat loves that I never even saw coming.

1. Pens

Whenever I leave a pen out on the kitchen or coffee table, I just know my cat will end up knocking it on the ground and playing with it at some point. At first, I would always find pens on the floor and under the couch, but I could never figure out how they ended up there.. until I caught her in the act. My cat taps pens around the room and tries to pick them up with her paws, and it’s the funniest thing ever; maybe she was destined to be a writer..?

2. Collapsable Laundry Hamper

I recently bought a new hamper and had my old one by the door ready to be taken out to the dumpster, until I saw my cat jumping in and out of it like an unhinged wild animal. She was having the time of her life in that thing, so I threw a toy in there and she got even more wild. Next thing I knew, she was ferociously clawing and dragging the hamper all over my apartment. I ended up giving it to her and she still plays with it every day!

3. Aluminum foil

Every time I grab some foil to wrap up food, my cat stops what she is doing and pounces towards me the second she hears the foil being ripped apart. It is as if the foil is taunting her the way she intensely glares at it. I decided to make her a little foil ball as a toy and she literally could not stop playing with it for hours. Here I was spending money left and right on all these toys when all she wanted was some foil!

4. Lighters

Similar to pens, my cat also has a knack for knocking lighters onto the ground and batting them around like a pinball machine. Not sure what the fascination is, but I’m sure I’m not the only cat owner who’s had this happen. I recommend putting them away in a cabinet or closed drawer for obvious safety reasons.

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5. Shopping receipts

I think the crinkling noise is what does it, but often when I come home from the store, my cat will literally search for my receipt so she can play with it. She likes to bat it around and in some cases get extremely wild and rip it up with her claws, showing zero consideration for me if I ever needed to return something.

6. Shoes

One of my cat’s favorite places to hang out when she’s not being super wild is by my shoe rack. She slowly sniffs each shoe one by one with a unique look of enjoyment on her face. I’ll occasionally catch her nibbling on a shoelace but for the most part, she only focuses on the sniffing.

7. Chapstick

Another thing I can no longer leave sitting out in the open is my chapstick. She is obsessed with knocking it over and rolling it around everywhere. I used to always have to search under the bed and couch for it, which is the last thing anyone wants to be doing when you’re trying to head out for work in the morning. If you’ve noticed that your chapstick has gone missing, chances are the culprit has whiskers and a fur coat.

8. Tunnels & Boxes

I was walking through a pet store one day when I came across this cool cat tunnel that I had to buy. Similar to how she plays with the hamper, my cat loves her tunnel and always rolls around in it like she’s in paradise. Any time I get a package in the mail, she always leaps right into it and assumes it arrived for her. I read online that sitting in boxes make cats feel safe and secure, so I thought that was really cool!

9. Plastic Shopping Bags

My cat treats these things like trampolines; she likes to take a humongous leap onto them as if they will bounce her back up. It’s absolutely hilarious watching her pounce on plastic bags and I think the crinkling noise is mainly what attracts her. I don’t let her play with plastic bags for very long though, as they are an obvious safety hazard.

Thank you very much for reading! Please let me know what other unusual things your cat likes in the comments and check out some more of my articles below.



An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Italian Food Aficionado | Sports Fan | History Lover | Cat Dad